Reinstate Jim kennedy

Jim Kennedy

On December 8, 2010, James Kennedy was fired from Comegys Elementary School afterschool program, part of the University of Pennsylvania's CSSP program.  Kennedy is a dedicated teacher who had earned accolades for his work, but was fired for federally-protected union activity protected under section 7 of the NLRA.  Penn had attempted to dock hours from his and his coworker's paychecks, and Kennedy stood up for his coworkers and said that that could not be done.  He was told that he should not speak up for others, in violation of the law, and then Penn proceeded to find pretexts to fire him.  James' coworkers were harassed and intimidated in order to break solidarity.  After being fired for no stated reason over the phone, James' employer had a meeting with his coworkers to explain that he'd been fired for saying critical things of the program and his boss on Facebook, which is federally-protected speech under labor law.  Please call the University of Pennsylvania at 215 898 7221 and his direct supervisor, Alexis Walker, at 215 913 0599, to demand that they restore James to his position.